who: I’m Sheila Bonet, from Brazil, born in Salvador (by accident), raised in São Paulo (in fact, in a small city close to), based in Barcelona since 1998, but nothing is forever and in September 2021 I moved to Costa Brava, where the sea is my perfect inspiration.
what: I’m a graphic designer, graduated in Visual communication, master’s degree in communication. Romance Philology is my second degree. Since I was a child language, literature and different cultures and how we use them in our way to communicate interest me very much. Nature, animals, plants and photography have always been my passion!
when: I arrived in Barcelona in 1998, when I was 23 years old. I worked in Graphic Design studios before starting unomásuno, our co-work graphic studio, in 2005, with Nacho Antolín, my partner. Between 2013 and 2016, I also had a chance to be one of the creators and managers of cafè mandacarú.
where: during most of the year I’m in my place in Palamós, but I love to travel and enjoy very much learning how to live in other places. And mostly I’m from the tropic and I’ll be always looking for the endless summer.
why: it’s time to try to join all the things I love in just one place and let it open to the world.
“Love is madness. But madness is a bad thing. Therefore love is a bad thing.” In my opinion, sometimes we need a bit of madness, and we always need love!
I hope you’re mad enough…